Sunday, August 4, 2013

Should a student in the Passion class be asked to critique Education?

         First of all, I strongly would agree and will argue, in how important a student should express his or her critique towards a whole world of obstacles, that's called Education. Just the word by itself Education gives a student Goosebumps, that brings awareness of physical sensation. In the embedded video Will Smith says, "Just decide, What's gonna be, who you are gonna be, how you are gonna do it. Just decide, and then from that point, the universe is gonna get up your way." Any student who are involve in a class setting and putting their whole focus and full tank of energy can accomplish just about anything. Anything is a result that comes out naturally. A student is capable to give and show little of passion and effort, even if that is not their favorite subject. Why? because for most students and as for myself, I don't like to waste my time, it just leave me a bad feeling. It's like missing a chapter in my life that I couldn't remember, but then again wanting to remember, so I wouldn't have that regret.

            Second of all, student's who has their mindset, and have a real steal picture in their mind and  have a really solid frame around that picture. Therefore, they continue to have goals for themselves. As for most, Education can lead to success. Of course, those students have the right to critique Education. In the embedded video somebody says, "You meet your must, You rarely do what You should, You always do what You must, make success a fucking must." I relate this feeling, because growing up, I always had a attraction for computers. When I first step into a library and had to find a book  my thoughts were like a further in the air, because at that time I didn't have a set interest of passion of education. A Librarian took me to a computer and told me that I could find any book there, by simply typing in, the title of  the book. Once I did that, I said to myself and still this day how amazing technology is. Thom Hartmann express his point of viewing about technology, "Similarly, our technological culture has found a technological drug to maintain docility" p.129 But personally, with this effect towards computers, I precisely came to the United States to buy an HP computer and return to my country to continue my education in computer science. I'm talking about a master degree. But that didn't happen, because my eyes open at a right timing. I reflected in how wonderful this country has help me, to follow my dreams and the passion that I have been carrying for such a long and continue to stay stronger than ever, and  giving me the tools to stay focus in the most difficult times. 

          And finally, the most important thing, if a student of passion class critique education is because, government and the system of education should be interested about to know the opinion of the students, "the future of this nation," as mentioned Jeff Bliss to his professor. This is supposedly their job, like Annie Leonard argues in the video The Story of Stuff, "It's the governments job to watch out for us, to take care of us. That's their job." In my case, I do wonder how I made it to this extent and questions occur upon me, but I'm only human and can only tell myself with words of comfort, "I'm doing alright, still going forward". As mention, education can create the path of passion which creates a set goal. In which creates still of emotions, attractions, intelligence and solving problems. Although it, might be hard and the mind of a student may have its breaks downs. But in a matter of no time, if a student reacts and has that deep sensation of Passion within Education, he or she can accomplish to fight the battle of setbacks.



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